Abhishek Sriram


Robotics | Grad Student @ Northeastern

About Me

I am majoring in Robotics at Northeastern University. My love for robotics started a few years ago when I began to work on hobby projects using Arduino and ESP-IDF to build a six-degrees-of-freedom robot arm. My area of interest includes Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Software Engineering.

I am doing my co-op at Skyworks Solutions, Inc. where I am working on the automation aspects of the power amplifier design. I am also actively involved in research at Embedded Systems Lab in collaboration with Spring Lab, Northeastern University. I am working with Dr. Gunar Schirner on optimizing the oscillating fiber’s trajectory in an endoscope using reinforcement learning for enhanced image capture.

If you love playing Minecraft like me, contact me to ⛏️ together ;)

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